Finding our way back to joy and hope is a lifelong learning process. We have all had our own “most trying season.” These seasons are often the greatest challenge we face. Amy Calkins has written a book from her own deep well of soul-searching, experience, and finding understanding. I appreciate what she has written in The Way Back to Hope. If you have found yourself living past your ability to see hope because the pain and chaos have taken over, please let me encourage you to allow someone who has been there to hand you a map in this journey. This book will help you find real, helpful goals and bypass the many lies that hinder and hurt us when we are weak and discouraged. I highly recommend The Way Back to Hope as a direction-finding tool in the journey of plowing through the fog of war and allowing God to set your feet on the rock of hope.
—Danny Silk, President of Life Academy; Bethel Church Senior Leadership Team; author of Keep Your Love On, Culture of Honor, Powerful and Free, and Loving Our Kids on Purpose
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